Multiple Sclerosis Facts, Theories, and Effective New Treatments

MS is most prevalent in Caucasian females in the 20 to 40 year old range, but this is rapidly changing. The occurrence of MS is increasing in males and in young children. There are more than 25,000 children suffering with MS today.

Most research into MS and treatments, focus on a theory that was proliferated in America around 1935 and has yet to be proven. While most people might think that means its time to look at other possibilities, the companies that pay for extensive research programs aren't interested.

The problem is that Pharmaceutical Companies do not want to consider that the current theory of where MS comes from may be wrong because it would threaten their current cash cow drugs.

"The symptoms of MS are often so severe that patients have the feeling of dying from the inside out," says Elaine DeLack, author of "They Said It Didnt Make Sense : MS a Prokarin Story."
The following are some of these life altering symptoms:
- Can't tolerate heat
- Horrendous fatigue
- Cognitive difficulties
- Speech problems and trouble finding words
- Numbness and tingling
- Paralysis and loss of sensation
- Constipation and bladder incontinence
- Double vision

The problem with treating these symptoms is the health community's thinking that it is the immune system attacking the myelin. Myelin is the white matter coating the nerves, enabling them to conduct impulses between the brain and other parts of the body. They made the decision to use drugs that are auto immune suppressants and to ignore the research that the immune system is not attacking the myelin.

Case studies show that it is the decrease in production of the histamine known as H2 that causes the symptoms of MS. This H2 deficiency causes the entire body to be involved in the disease. H2 is not the same type of hystamine that fights allergins and causes allergic reactions.

The significance of histamine 2 in the body is huge. It is one of the most primitive neuro transmitters in the body and regulates many of the other transmitters. It is amazing all the things that H2 is involved in:
- Dilates the small arteries
- Balances the immune system
- Makes gastric acid and digestive enzymes
- Stimulates the thyroid and pineal glands
- Regulates the hypothalamus

DeLack's research led her to eventually to the Prokarin treatment, which replaces the H2 histamine in the body using a transdermal patch. The relief MS patients on Prokarin have experienced are:
- Disappearance of numbness in arms and legs
- Ability to walk, drive, and return to work again
- Fewer falls
- Gain in bladder control
- Decreased sensitivity to heat
- More energy
- Clear vision

Research shows that Prokarin works. MS patients can control the debilitating symptoms of MS and regain control of their lives. They can free themselves from the fatigue and pain that haunts them for a better quality of life.

Research shows that Prokarin works. MS patients can control the debilitating symptoms of MS and regain control of their lives. They can free themselves from the fatigue and pain that haunts them for a better quality of life.

Because of the low cost and low profit margins of the Prokarin Treatment, the mainstream medical community has been understandably slow to question their current billion dollar a year treatments.

Dr. Proactive Randy Gilbert enjoys producing the "Inside Wellness Success" show, where Elaine DeLack, RN was recently interviewed by host Rob Smith about the research from her book. Listen to the interview for free:


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