Gain an Edge Each Day from a Surprising Source

Understanding the Astrological Weather each day can give you an extra edge. Those who understand astrology know this lesson well. It is useful to look at astrology like an extended weather forecast. Yet rather than the physical weather it's more related to the universal weather - The psychic, emotional and spiritual weather. How this affects patterns of behavior on Earth can be seen each day.

" Millionaires don't have astrologers, billionaires do."
- JP Morgan.

Now I know what you're thinking, "Astrology, that doesn't work". Well, in a sense you're right, and in a sense you're wrong. Let me explain. Astrology as typically seen in the West through silly horoscopes in the newspaper, does not work. Yet a seasoned astrologer can shed enormous light on your life.

Here's a sentence you'll never hear anyone say:
"You know, I studied Astrology myself and I can tell you it's a lot of bull".

As an astrologer, teacher and former skeptic myself I can tell you, the more you learn about astrology the more in awesome it becomes to you. As people learn more about astrology they learn to trust it for one reason: Because it works!

"Sir, I have studied it, you have not."
-Sir Isaac Newton's reply to comet discoverer Haley's questioning the basis of Astrology.

I have met many people who first begin studying astrology in order to disprove it, only to have their beliefs turned upside down. Astrology is based on observable measurable phenomena. Many criticize astrology as being a weird belief system. Yet in truth, is more like a clock or a calendar. Do people use a clock or a calendar because of a belief system or because these things work and are useful?

Every day offers a certain promise, but for different things. For instance, one day may not be good for your relationships but may be supporting litigation or surgery. Another day may present problems starting new projects, yet be good for working on established ones. The well-seasoned astrologer will be able to accurately predict these times in a general sense and more specifically as it relates to each person's unique astrology chart.

Astrology is becoming re established as a useful and glorious science of awakening. have you noticed the "horoscope" sections at every major web portal.

More Astrology Quotes:

"Courteous Reader, Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the Wise and the Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight in Battle, in short, no important affair was undertaken without first consulting an Astrologer."
- Benjamin Franklin

"...Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity."

-C.G. Jung
"Luna is primarily a reflection of a man's unconscious femininity, but she is also a principle of the feminine psyche, in the sense that Sol is the principle of a man's. This is particularly obvious in the astrological interpretation of the sun and moon, not to mention the age-old assumptions of mythology. Alchemy is inconceivable without the influence of her elder sister astrology, and the statements of these three disciplines must be taken into account in any psychological evaluation of the luminaries. "
-C.G. Jung


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