Ayurvedic Body Type and Diet Recommendations

Ayurveda recommends foods for people according to their primary body type. The reason this is done is because it is believed foods can be both healing, and the source of imbalance and difficulties. By eating foods according to our Ayurvedic body type, the belief is that we will accumulate less Ama, or waste, in the body.

In Ayurveda, people are classified according to three principles, vata, kapha, and pitta. But it's important to understand that although we may be dominant in one principle, we actually have all three present in our body. The others are in a smaller ration. Most people will actually be a combination of two of these principles, with the third only playing a minor role. But because we all contain the three, any of them can get out of balance.


Characteristics of Pitta dominant body types

* determination
* strong willed
* good digestion
* initiative
* energy
* passionate about many things

Ayurveda's Pitta constitution is calmed by cooling foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables. Bitter green vegetables like watercress, parsley, collards and most greens suit pitta. Fruits that suit pitta body types include sweet berries, sweet apples and apricots, coconut, figs, mango, sweet oranges and pineapples, plums, watermelon, pomegranates, and prunes.

Other cooling foods include most dairy products, though sour cream, hard cheeses, and yoghurt don't really suit pitta due to their being too high in fat, salt, or sour. But dairy that suits pitta includes milk, cottage cheese, soft cheeses, and ice cream!

Grains that suit pitta body types include barley, basmati rice, and wheat (unless you are allergic or gluten sensitive).

Pitta body types generally like a lot of protein, and they probably need a little more than the other Ayurvedic body types. Spices that are cooling in nature are also important. These include coriander, cumin, mint, parsley, dill and fennel. Garlic should be avoided though as it is too heating.

In terms of sweets, Pitta body types should use maple syrup, barley malt, brown rice syrup and honey that is 6 months or less old, preferably raw.

Things that can imbalance Pitta body types:

* excess heat, hot climates, and hot times of day
* humidity
* vacations and times when there is increased mobility
* excess oil in the diet
* too many hot foods, including spicy foods. But this can also mean too many cooked meals
* excess caffeine, salt, red meat and alcohol


Characteristics of people with a dominant Vata body type:

* flexibility
* quick mind
* creative
* always on the go - mentally and physically

Dietary choices that support vata aim at grounding this energy-in-motion. Routine is also very helpful, though not naturally something vata body type people will create! Vata people benefit from meditation, warmth, soothing music, taking breaks, and resting (again, not a natural vata inclination!).

With regards foods, vata body types should include warming spices, including ginger and cloves, anise, cayenne, cinnamon, garlic, horseradish, caraway, mint, mustard seeds, parsley, cooked onion, paprika, rose water, vanilla, tarragon, thyme and rosemary.

People with the vata body type should minimize raw food, including salad, though salads should not be eliminated completely as they provide valuable nutrients. But vata should ground the salad with a dressing made from oil and vinegar, and be aware of the weather at the time of eating it. Being more sensitive to cold, vata's should have salads on warmer days.

Icy cold drinks are not balancing for vata - in fact quite the opposite. Sugar also throws vata types off balance, though vata are lucky in that they can enjoy other sweets.

Vata generally love fruit, and it suits their ayurvedic constitution. The exceptions are apples, pears, cranberries, watermelon and dried fruit. Vata types should go for sweet and moist fruit, like mangoes, nectarines, bananas, coconut, fresh figs, peaches, and strawberries.

Cooked grains like oatmeal, basmati rice, and brown rice, are very grounding for the vata ayurvedic constitution. Beans (legumes), on the other hand, are not! Beans are cold, dry, and heavy - not the attributes that support vata.

Things that can imbalance vata dominant body types include:

* a lot of travel, especially by plane
* loud noises
* constant stimulation
* drugs, sugar and alcohol
* cold climates (especially extremely cold ones) and cold food
* frozen and dried food


Characteristics of people with a kapha dominant body type:

* strength
* stamina
* endurance
* groundedness
* calm
* fluid

Kapha body types are not suited to a high protein diet like the Atkins diet. Not only should they avoid too much fat, but also, excessive heavy protein. The kapha quality is already heavy, and although this doesn't sound great, it is what provides Kapha body types with a wonderful stability and strength.

Kapha should have light and low fat protein. Beans, with the exception of soy and soy products, are great for kapha. Soy milk is preferable to dairy though, for kapha. Beans help move kapha's energy, and digestive system, a bit. Barley is also excellent. In terms of meat, chicken and turkey suit kapha.

Kapha body types should have plenty of vegetables, including bitter vegetables, peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, eggplant, lettuce, onions, potatoes, mushrooms, corn cobs, peas, beets, and celery.

Dairy is heavy and cooling, and it does not suit the Kapha ayurvedic body type. Light and crispy food, like corn tortillas and popcorn, suit kapha. Kapha people should make sure they have variety in their diet, as kapha body types have a danger of falling into a rut more than others.

Asian and Latin American style meals are great for kapha. They are spicy and light, free of dairy, and have plenty of vegetables in them.

Things that can imbalance Kapha body types:

* inertia
* too much fat in the diet, including oil we cook with!
* dairy products
* not enough stimulation and challenge
* not enough variety
* not enough exercise
* too much bread, iced foods and drinks, and sweets

References: Amadea Morningstar and Urmila Desai, The Ayurvedic Cookbook

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/Ayurvedic-Body-Type-and-Diet-Recommendations/249

How to Use Acupressure- 3 Points That Could Save Your Life!

Imagine witnessing someone you love and care about, experience a heart attack right in front of your eyes! What would you do? Obviously call 911 but in the mean time bite their fingers.

Yap, you heard correctly, biting down on the inside edges of the pinky finger's nail triggers a kind of restart action on the heart. It could save your life or someone you care about! I said "bite" not "bleed". A gentle but firm bite is all that is required to stimulate the response needed. This point is located on the heart meridian called HT9.

Acupressure is a time, tested and truly amazing alternative technique using firm but gently pressure on key points along the energy meridians. Using this technique can help you relieve stress and muscle tension, boost your immune system, release endorphins that alleviate pain and much much more!

Acupressure is gaining a lot of popularity these days. Oprah even featured a show with Dr. Oz an accredited author and alternative health practitioner. You can catch that show by visiting www.oprah.com and typing in "Dr.Oz". So how can acupressure save your life? Let's move on to the next life saving point.

Suppose someone faints at work. No problem. Try this next point located at the top of the head on the skull. Feel around until you find a little dip, exactly where the soft spot on a baby's head is located. Give that point some good pressure with your thumb, even using you finger nail to give it a pinch has proven effective. This will bring energy back "up" in the body. This point is more commonly used by acupuncturists to prevent varicose veins, prevent miscarriage and to stop a bleeding. The point is located on the Governor Vessel called GV21.

What if you are experiencing an excruciating headache and you can't get your hands on any Tylenol. No problem. Simply squeeze the fleshy part or web on your hand in between the thumb and the first finger. Called the "eye of the tiger" and "belly of the fish" these two points help to bring energy down in the body. Be it tension, anxiety or too much thinking and especially headaches, this point can do wonders for you. Hold each point together until the pain subsides. Acupuncturists often use this point to help birth a baby and so should not be used by pregnant women.

Before you go whizzing off to the drug store consider using alternative therapies like acupressure instead. It could save you time, and long waiting lines at the doctor's office. Just recently I went into a clinic for a referral to see a doctor. The waiting time was 4hrs!!! Unbelievable. I left, there's no way I was going to spend my day off in a stuffed clinic.

More and more people are turning to alternative therapies, and for good reasons. Many people are being sliced and diced by doctors. I just recently had a healthy 23yr old woman on my table tell me her doctor removed her gall bladder due to a gall stone! Common, it's crazy! Another woman had her uterus removed due to Fibroids. It just amazed me. With so many natural alternatives out there why people are still going through with painful surgeries.

Check out your options, and most importantly be well informed. Always work with practitioners you feel good about. Always follow your gut or intuition when choosing your best treatment option. I hope you have enjoyed this article and will remember what you now know about acupressure that can save your life!
Source: http://www.profoundarticles.com/articledetail.php?artid=52078&catid=708

How to Make Nourishing Herbal Infusions

An infusion is a large amount of herb brewed for a long time. Typically, one ounce by weight (about a cup by volume) of dried herb is placed in a quart jar, which is then filled to the top with boiling water, tightly lidded and allowed to steep for 4-10 hours. After straining, a cup or more is consumed, and the remainder chilled to slow spoilage. Drinking 2-4 cups a day is usual. Since the minerals and other phytochemicals in nourishing herbs are made more accessible by drying, dried herbs are considered best for infusions.

I make my infusions at night before I go to bed and they are ready in the morning. I put my herb in my jar and my water in the pot, and the pot on the fire, then brush my teeth (or sweep the floor) until the kettle whistles. I pour the boiling water up to the rim of the jar, screw on a tight lid, turn off the stove and the light, and go to bed. In the morning, I strain the plant material out, squeezing it well, and drink the liquid. I prefer it iced, unless the morning is frosty. I drink the quart of infusion within 36 hours or until it spoils. Then I use it to water my house plants, or pour it over my hair after washing as a final rinse which can be left on.

My favorite herbs for infusion are nettle, oatstraw, red clover, and comfrey leaf, but only one at a time. The tannins in red clover and comfrey make me pucker my lips, so I add a little mint, or bergamot, when I infuse them, just enough to flavor the brew slightly. A little salt in your infusion may make it taste better than honey will.

Susun Weed
PO Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081

Visit Susun Weed at: www.susunweed.com and www.ashtreepublishing.com
For permission to reprint this article, contact us at: susunweed@herbshealing.com

Vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures, teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine. Unabashedly pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging and often profoundly provocative.

Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women around the world. Learn more at www.susunweed.com
Source: http://www.iffizpartners.com/index.php?page=article&article_id=770

Travelers Diarrhea Help With Herbal Medicine

Travelers visiting many tropical, sub-tropical and developing countries run an increased risk of suffering a gastrointestinal illness. These are usually caused by bacteria, parasites and viruses. The microscopic bugs at the top of these rather gut wrenching (for all the wrong reasons...) charts are E Coli, the staphylococci, shigella and salmonella species, campylobacter jejuni, cryptosporidiosis, and hepatitis A.

Infected food is the biggest culprit, with water coming in second. Ice cream, cocktails served in re-used coconut shells, raw seafood, ice, and food from street vendors are potential risks that can interrupt your adventure with less salacious memories to pass on to family and friends.

The nausea, stomach cramps and diarrhea from such acute infections usually sorts itself out after a few days (unless of course you have contracted hepatitis A, or something like giardia). Certainly, if you are unlucky enough to be sick after a few days, you should see a doctor.

Fortunately, there are remedies you can take that will strengthen your immune and digestive system and hopefully give your body a better chance at dealing with its new environment. The herbs I describe below would make an excellent travelers mix. The best form to take them in would be as a tincture, which can be made up by going to a local herbal dispensary if you have one in your area, or alternatively, a local herbalist.

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)

Astragalus is a good anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial. The polysaccharides in it support the immune system. Astragalus increases the activity of phagocytes, natural killer cells, and the levels of antibodies in the blood.

Picrorrhiza (Picrorrhiza kurroa)

This is an Ayurvedic herb that is best given in low doses, as higher doses can cause diarrhea and flatulence in more sensitive people. Its a bitter herb, so it stimulates the digestive system. It is also anti-malarial, supports the immune system, and protects the liver. Picrorrhiza encourages all aspects of the immune system, such as B and T cell activity, and the activity of phagocytes. This herb is used in Ayurvedic medicine for liver related problems and immune problems.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)

Goldenseal is a gut antibiotic, which for example helps reduce adhesive e coli, and encourages some immune functions of the body. For example, berberine, which is one of its active constituents, has been shown to increase the activity of macrophages, which digest bacteria and viruses. Barberry also contains berberine, so more information on this very valuable constituent is below. Goldenseal, being a bitter herb, it is also good for the digestive system. If you are pregnant or suffer from hypertension, however, you should not take goldenseal.

Barberry (Berberis Vulgaris)

Berberine, one of the active constituents in this herb is an anti protozoic, which helps protect travelers against giardia, leishmania, and treponema pallidum. Other notable effects of berberine are its activity against giardia, dysentery, and candida, as well as the cholera vibrio. The active constituents berberine and palmatine are also anti-bacterial. And berbamine, which like berberine is an alkaloid, is a strong anti-bacterial which seems to work by increasing white blood cells and platelets. The constituent palamtine is a uterine stimulant, however, and as such pregnant women shouldn't take this herb. Barberry is another gut antibiotic, but it is also anti-malarial (though no self-respecting herbalist would recommend anything other than doctor's treatment if you do contract malaria).

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea or augustifolia)

Echinacea is an immune stimulant. Its main active constituents are the polysaccharides and the alkamides (especially the isobutylamides), which are both immune stimulating, and the polyaceytlenes, which are antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. Echinacea supports the activity of phagocytes, which are part of the immune system, and is also considered anti-viral and anti-microbial. One of the ways echinacea appears to work is by inhibiting the action of the enzyme hyaluronidase. This enzyme is used by micro-organisms to break down the connective tissue that prevents them from entering and spreading through the body. For these reasons, it is excellent as part of a travelers remedy mix.

These remedies are not designed as a prophylactic, like a vaccine. They work on the principle of giving your body an increased chance at staying healthy. But nothing replaces common sense. Wash your hands before eating. Don't drink ice or from water bottles where the seal has been broken. Drink cocktails in glasses, not cute but probably old coconut shells. Don't eat anything fresh that you can't peel. Don't eat ice cream or drink unpasteurized milk. Be wary of eating from street vendors. Some people do, and are fine. But they are a risk factor with gastrointestinal upsets. Its a good idea to pack some oral hydration salts as a precaution.

But above all, enjoy your holiday!

References: C Fisher & G Painter, Materia Medica of Western Herbs for the Southern Hemisphere

Class notes from Ses Salmond, certified Natural Therapist and Herbal Medicine teacher

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/Travelers-Diarrhea-Help-With-Herbal-Medicine/224

Order Your Own Lab Tests

There are an ever-growing number of people educating themselves and evaluating their health by accessing relevant medical information on the internet. Specifically, many people are taking charge of their health and well-being by purchasing and tracking their own blood and urine lab test results. People are realizing that they need to take an active role in their own health. Direct-to-consumer testing programs allow greater participation in one's own healthcare. The convenience and privacy is irresistible to many health-conscious consumers. There are some drawbacks to ordering your own lab tests. However, the dangers and risks can be easily controlled if you proceed wisely.

A serious medical condition such as heart disease, prostate cancer, a hormone imbalance, or diabetes can exist without noticeable symptoms for up to two years. Many times, a simple blood test can indicate what is happening. Test results can assist you in reversal of potential problem areas, and establish a baseline of your normal ranges for which future tests can be monitored. You have access to the same labs that physicians and hospitals use, which are certified and regulated by the appropriate governmental agencies. More and more people are using self-directed lab test ordering as a tool to help detect these medical problems early. Usually, the online lab testing service will give test results that include the normal reference ranges and abnormalities indicated. Abnormalities should be considered an early warning, but they do not necessarily indicate that there is a disease present. Consumers should always discuss the test results with their doctor for a physical evaluation, further testing, diagnosis, and treatment. This is where the "wisdom" comes into play. It can be a dangerous thing to "play doctor" on yourself. I always recommend that consumers seek a healthcare provider to discuss any results outside normal ranges.

Normally, you can get access to your lab results within one or two days after your blood is drawn for serum tests. Results from the specialty labs on hair, saliva, urine, and stool may take a bit longer. Sometimes, you can have the ability to receive your results in your e-mail. If you choose this method, you should also ask for the hard copy of the results to be mailed to you as well. Privacy is king when it comes to ordering your own tests. You will be the only one who receives the results unless you specifically direct the service to mail a copy to your doctor. Some issues regarding HIPPA will apply and you may need to provide a medical release form in order to have the service send your results to your physician.

If you really want to play an active role in treating and healing yourself, I would suggest educating yourself thoroughly prior to ordering any blood or other tests online. The internet can be a wonderful tool that provides a wealth of information. You can have access to the same medical literature as your physician. And now, you have access to many of the same laboratory tests. Educate yourself, and never leave out your physician and his/her professional abilities if you feel you may have a health problem or a serious medical condition!
Source: http://www.profoundarticles.com/articledetail.php?artid=51915&catid=708

Progesterone and its role in the body

Progesterone and its role in the body By: Darrell Miller Progesterone is a hormone naturally produced in the female body from both the ovaries and adrenal glands. As women age, hormone levels tend to decrease, progesterone is one of those hormones. When women reach menopause and are post menopause they need to supplement with progesterone to help prevent those nasty hot flashes and restore the bodies hormone to a more normal level.

Progesterone production is high during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and low during the follicular phase as well as being low before puberty and after menopause. Women who suffer from PMS, peri-menopause, post-menopause, vaginal dryness, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, uterine fibroid tumors, and endometrial carcinoma may benefit from progesterone therapy.

How do I choose the right Natural progesterone supplement for me? Supplemental sources of progesterone are available in oral and cream forms as well as lozenges, suppositories, and injectable forms. "Natural" progesterone refers to the type that matches exactly the substance produced in a woman's body, as opposed to related synthesized molecules. The natural forms are preferred to the synthetic forms of progesterone by some doctors. According to John R. Lee, M.D., the well-known proponent of supplemental progesterone, transdermal progesterone (Progesterone Creams) can help achieve a more normal hormonal balance in the body.

When a woman takes progesterone she may experience, improved cholesterol levels, improved sleep, mood, concentration and memory, reduced risk of depression, reduced risk of endometrial cancer and breast cancer, reduced risk of senility and cognitive decline, and finally enhanced libido.

If you're unsure about progesterone cream there is always the alternatives such as soya (isoflavonoids), Black cohosh, Dong quai, and Licorice to help bring your hormones back into balance naturally with out synthetic medications.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you feel there is a physical problem like hormone decline always consult your local physician before doing anything .

Source: http://www.iffizpartners.com/index.php?page=article&article_id=1234

Discover the Truth About Apple Cider Vinegar Remedies

I was reviewing an ebook on vinegar remedies and uses recently, and came across some surprising assertions. Despite the ebook author claiming that vinegar was not a cure all, the list of complaints vinegar supposedly fixed was astounding. Almost as astounding as the rationale behind using vinegar to fix said complaints.

Apart from the evils of satisfying one's 'debased' taste buds over nourishing the body - which is apparently the cause of all of modern man's ills. The author suggest we start looking to 'natural resources' that have been used in the days before Christ. Apparently that was a bit of a turning point nutritionally.

Anyway, sunshine, water and air aside, its all herbs, honey, and homebrews. These are the antidote to the 'unnatural chemical compounds' that are plaguing us. Hmmm - that must be why we our ancestors lived about double the life span that we do. Oh, I'm sorry, its we who live on average twice as long as our ancestors...

It would be lovely if we could explain away the plethora of chronic and acute illnesses that affect so many people. There is no doubt that in some cases nutritional choice has played a causative or aggravating factor in a person's ill health. But people who follow very healthy, natural diets also get sick. People who exercise still have heart attacks. The answer is not always simple, nor is it always to be found by glorifying folk remedies or taking complex Oriental classification systems and treatments out of context. Which is not to say there is not some value, for certain things, in either traditional medicine, or folk remedies.

But giving herbal treatments, or folk remedies, the veneer of pseudo science, does not help anyone.

The author of this ebook stated that 'a number of outstanding authorities' have proven the 'therapeutic' value of using apple cider vinegar for complaints ranging from obesity to arthritis - without naming said authorities. And the chief rationale behind apple cider vinegar's supposed wide ranging value is that, like apples, it contains Phosphorous, Chlorine, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulfur, Iron, Fluorine, Silicon, plus many trace elements. And, Potassium.

Now, apple cider vinegar may in fact contain all of these things. It certainly does contain potassium, but only very small amounts - about 15mg per tablespoon as compared to 159mg per apple, or 288mg for 10 rings of dried apple. Cider vinegar has no sodium, no magnesium, and about 1mg of calcium and phosphorus. Hardly noteworthy. But that doesn't stop the book promoting apple cider vinegar as encouraging the health of veins and capillaries, and therefore heart health and blood pressure. And whilst we're at it, it helps the blood clot better, though there is no explanation as to this mechanism. By this rationale, tomorrow it will help colonize mars. Presumably in the same mysterious way as it stores the fiber this ebook attributes cider vinegar as having.

But just as apple cider vinegar in fact has no fiber - unlike apples - so cider vinegar is not nearly as miraculous or mysterious as the ebook's logic. Vinegar may in fact have promise in cleaning without having to resort to harsh chemicals. And in may also be beneficial for some health purposes. But it does not do nearly as much as is claimed. And by creatively linking it to every ailment imaginable, it serves to turn herbal remedies into a bad joke. Mars anyone?

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/Discover-the-Truth-About-Apple-Cider-Vinegar-Remedies/251

Magnetic Jewelry: An Overview and Introduction Part 1

Magnetic jewelry is the term used for jewelry items that are either made out of, or contain magnetic materials. These magnetic materials can be of varying types, both man-made or natural. These magnets are said to have an effect on the body.

Magnetite is a natural stone with magnetic properties, and is often used in the better magnetic jewelry. It is very difficult to demagnetize this stone. Magnetic jewelry also may be made of magnetized hematite, or man-made magnets may be used as well. Much of the hematite jewelry offered for sale, both magnetic and non-magnetic, is actually synthetic.

With respect to the man-made magnets, they are typically mounted in the metal magnetic jewelry. Natural or synthetic stone magnets, on the other hand, are polished to a luster and cut to varying shapes, such as barrel, diamond cut, or hexagon.

Since the metal magnetic jewelry has the magnets mounted on the skin-facing side, these magnets can come loose and fall out. No matter what type of jewelry you're buying, the purpose is to perform magnetic therapy on the appropriate part of your body while you are wearing it.

The popularity of magnetic jewelry is on the rise in the US. In the year 2000, it was reported that more than 120 million people worldwide use magnets. In many cultures and areas of the world, it has been custom to use magnets for healing purposes for many years.

Magnetic jewelry can be made into anklets, bracelets, necklaces, and the like, just like non-magnetic jewelry. Because of this, it can be used to relieve pain in various parts of the body. Do not, however, buy a magnetic bracelet and expect it to take away your back pain. Magnetic jewelry is also made into rings for treating the fingers and hands, but a bracelet may be a better choice.

Magnetic jewelry is not intended to be sold as a medical device. There are a number of theories on how it works, and it is sometimes claimed to enhance blood flow by affecting charged ions in the blood, or block pain signals.

When people stop by our booth and see our jewelry, many times they'll ask us how magnets heal. The correct answer, of course is that they do not heal. They allow the body to heal itself.

Research has shown that magnets have a positive effect on living tissue. In fact, electromagnetic fields are used to speed healing of joint, muscle, and bone, and static magnets have been used to help heal wounds.

Some scientific research may indicate that magnets increase the production of endorphins. Endorphins are the body's natural pain killers. This may be why a Vanderbilt researcher said that it can be as effective as a shot of morphine.

Magnetic jewelry has been reported by users to have many benefits, including professional athletes and celebrities. Although not intended to be sold as a medical device, magnetic jewelry is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative therapy for aches and pains.

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/Magnetic-Jewelry--An-Overview-and-Introduction-Part-1/1268

An Introduction to Magnetic Jewelry And Its Benefits Part 2

The first part of our introduction to magnetic jewelry covered the basic points on what materials it can be made out of, and what types of jewelry you'll find for sale. We also talked about the basics of magnetic therapy, and how it can have an effect on health. We also mentioned how it is extremely popular in many parts of the world for pain relief.

In this second part of our discussion, I'll cover some of the theories on how magnetic therapy relieves pain and inflammation. I'll also talk about the reported benefits, some warnings, and what to look for before you buy.

If you're just learning about magnetic jewelry for the first time, you're probably starting to realize why so many people use it. If you've been considering magnetic jewelry for a while, you already know that pain relief may be just a bracelet or anklet away. Magnetic Jewelry is recognized for reducing pain due to injuries, old or new, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and during or after athletic activities.

Some research shows that pain is often linked with poor circulation and a lack of oxygen in the affected area. When there's swelling, fluids are trapped in the affected area and cell wastes are not carried away as efficiently as they should be. It's been said that the magnets in the jewelry help to relieve pain and inflammation by increasing blood flow to the affected area.

Magnetic therapy experts warn that many people who don't experience relief are simply are not using these products in the right way. Make sure that you purchase the right magnetic jewelry for the right purpose, and that you use it properly.

Magnetic bracelets are intended to relieve muscle and joint pain in the fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, arms and shoulders. Magnetic necklaces are designed to relieve muscle and joint pain in the shoulders and upper back, as well as relieve headaches. Anklets are intended to work the lower part of the body including the feet, ankles, legs, and possibly the hips.

Magnetic earringsare used to relieve ear, neck, and jaw pain,and sometimes headaches as well. Magnets can also be made into rings, and are used to ease pain in the fingers and hands. Often, due to the strength and number of magnets, a bracelet or necklace is a better choice than a ring or an earring.

Always ensure that you buy the jewelry with the strongest and largest number of magnets available. Always ensure that you wear the jewelry as close to the skin as possible, without being uncomfortable. Always ensure that you wear the jewelry as close to the pain as possible, and wear it 24 hours per day, 7 days per week until the pain is gone. This way, you experience continuous benefits, rather than sporadic as with some other pain relief products.

Numerous health benefits have been reported due to the use of magnets. You should be aware, though, that a number of bogus companies have made outrageous claims, and are selling inferior product.

While most people do not have a problem using magnetic jewelry, you should check with your doctor if you have any health concerns, including: if you have a pacemaker, are pregnant, have any metal in your body, or have other serious health conditions. Magnets should never be considered as a substitute for professional health care.

Among the benefits reported by people who use magnets, are less pain and stiffness in the joints and muscles, reduced allergy symptoms, more restful sleep, fewer headaches, and an overall feeling of well-being.

We have many repeat customers, and many of these bring us new customers as referrals. This positive response from hundreds of customers is on of the best indications of effectiveness.

A number of doctors, such as Dr. Ronald Lawrence, had positive personal experiences with magnets, which led them to try it on their patients. These doctors have found that many patients have experienced substantial pain relief as a result of wearing magnetic jewelry.

Throughout the world, magnetic therapy has been widely used as an alternative treatment to help relieve pain. Normally, however, you can't take your therapy with you. Since magnetic jewelry is portable, your therapy can be delivered to the painful area 24 hours per day. Couple this with the fact that it can also be a stylish accessory, and you have two good reasons why it is so popular.


Before we delve into the causes and corrections of Plantar Fasciitis, we first must have a general understanding of where it occurs as it pertains to the anatomy of the foot

The foot is comprised of a total of 26 individual bones. Of these, the toes contain 14 with three per toe, with the exception of the biggest of the toes, which only has two. All these bones are comprised into three separate arches which help us to negotiate differing levels of terrain. We call these arches the transverse, medial and longitudinal arches.

The arch that we are concerned with is the medial longitudinal arch which runs along the inside of the foot. Along this arch is a wide, thick ligament which runs from the heel to the balls of the feet before ending at the toes. This is the plantar fascia and when it is subjected to above average amount of strain it begins to over-stretch and tear. Now unfortunately when we rest for long periods of time such as sleeping, our body attempts to heal itself and lays down scar tissue. This doesn't pose much of a problem until rising and we find ourselves in pain as this newly formed scar tissue tears. Hence the notion that with Plantar Fasciitis, the first step is the worst.

Of the two main causes of Plantar Fasciitis, an increase in weight is the most common. This can be caused by any number of factors including pregnancy, inactivity or just plain eating too much. With this increase in weight, more pressure is exerted on the bottom of the foot which in turn stretches the medial longitudinal arch and ultimately the plantar fascia itself.

A bit less common but still as painful is the effect of over-stretching and tearing of the plantar fascia ligament due to walking improperly. When we walk, most of our weight should land on the outside of the heel and transfer to the outside of the foot where we push off with our big toe and begin again. However when our foot biomechanics are off-kilter, this weight is transferred to the inside of the foot which causes the same injury as carrying too much weight.

One of the most common problems discovered with foot biomechanics is the overpronation syndrome. This entails the person rolling over too much onto the inside of the foot. This puts excessive strain on the medial longitudinal arch and can cause tearing of the plantar fascia. This excessive strain on the inside of the foot can result in over-stretching of other ligaments in the foot leading to flat feet (pes planus). If this condition persists too long, a heel spur may form where the plantar fascia attaches to the heel.

Treating Plantar Fasciitis can be accomplished by either losing the extra weight if that is the source or also by rolling a golf ball lightly under the foot which helps strip down the scar tissue. Try not to press down too hard or it is possible to bruise the foot in the process. Another recommended treatment is to have your chiropractic professional adjust your foot to help with the symptoms.

The heel has two main directions in which it can move: diagonally forward or diagonally backward. Usually the heel moves backward due to tension from the Achilles tendon and from weight-bearing pressure. By adjusting the heel forward, it will relieve tension in the plantar fascia and can relieve symptoms. If these methods do not seem to offer benefit, it may be necessary to have a pair of prescription orthotics made for your feet. These are custom-fit insoles which offer support to the feet to help ensure a proper gait cycle thereby reducing the amount of strain on the plantar fascia.

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/PLANTAR-FASCIITIS/1349

The Growth of a Sweet Smelling Industry

Essential oils are concentrated oils that contain fragrant compounds from plants with potent aromatic or healing properties. Among the most common are lavender essential oil, revered for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties, and eucalyptus, which is used as a deodorising product and decongestant (although like all essential oils, needs to be used with caution).

Since the late 1990s, falling prices for traditional crops such as wheat have led British farmers to seek alternative harvests that will flourish in native soil. As demand and interest in aromatherapy to promote mental and physical wellbeing increase, essential oil production seems a natural choice. While hardly a new idea (the Romans cultivated lavender for its relaxing, reviving and rejuvenating properties), new technology allows farmers the chance to make essential oil production and marketing a viable option.

A surprising number of fragrant crops can be cultivated in the British climate - in fact some of the finest lavender and chamomile varieties thrive in the English summer. Common essential oils include chamomile, German Chamomile, yarrow, angelica root and seed, Mitcham Peppermint, Melissa (or lemon balm), hyssop, dill, clary sage, lavender, rosemary, lovage, fennel and thyme. Floral waters (or hydrosol) are produced during the distillation of the essential oils, and are typically collected and bottled for sale in both retail and wholesale markets for use in perfumes and other fragrant products Other products, such as lemon and frankincense essential oils, can be made from products imported from overseas and distilled in the UK. Superior producers will be able to provide a record of the process from seed to bottle.

A Heady Challenge for Farmers

A solid engineering tradition developed from food processing has given some UK farmers a head-start in developing distillation processes for popular essential oils.

A distillery will typically contain cylindrical vats where the dry-harvested herb is placed by telescopic forklift. Once filled, the lid is put on and steam introduced at the base of the vat, which passes through the herb and extracts the essential oil. This steam carries the extracted essential oil as vapour into the condenser, where the steam is cooled so that it condenses and collects in the separator (Florentine vessel). In most cases the essential oil is lighter than the condensed steam (water) and so it can be removed by further separation, filtering and cleaning before it is bottled for storage.

The ability to guarantee the purity of essential oils is a challenge that sets the producers of the finest essential oils apart. A great deal of work will go into ensuring that the crops remain pure and weed free, which will be tested throughout the production process.

The future for British Essential Oils

Through the internet, British producers are able to compete in global markets, allowing essential oils to reach new audiences. This means that, hopefully, the distinctive purple-blue of lavender fields will remain a feature of British landscapes until well into the future.
Source: http://www.profoundarticles.com/articledetail.php?artid=52486&catid=708

The Spirit of Simples


A "simple" is one herb used at a time. A "simpler" is an herbalist who generally uses herbs one at a time, rather than in combinations.


Most herbalists I have met - whether from China or Japan, Eastern or Western Europe, Australia or North America - use herbs in combinations. Simplers, like myself, don't. Why?

Because I believe that herbal medicine is people's medicine, I seek to make herbal medicine simple: as simple as one herb at a time. Because people worry about interactions between the drugs they take and herbs, I keep it simple: with simples, interactions are simple to observe, and simpler to avoid. Because empowerment in healthcare is difficult, I want to offer others easy, safe herbal remedies: and what could be easier, or safer, than a simple?


When I was just getting started with herbs, one thing that confounded me was the many choices I had when I began to match symptoms to the herbs that relieved them. If someone had a cough should I use garden sage or wild cherry bark or pine sap or mullein or coltsfoot (to name only a few of the many choices)? One way out of this dilemma was to use them all. I made many cough syrups that contained every anti-cough herb that I could collect. And they all worked.

As I got more sophisticated in my herbal usage, and especially after I completed a course on homeopathy, I began to see that each herb had a specific personality, a specific way of acting. I realized I couldn't notice the individual actions of the herbs when they were combined.

It felt daring at first to use just one herb. Would wild cherry bark tincture all by itself be enough to quell that child's cough? Yes! Would mullein infusion alone really reduce a person's asthmatic and allergic reactions? Yes! Would sage soaked in honey for six weeks ease a sore throat? Yes! Each herb that I tried as a simple was successful. They all worked, not just together, but by themselves.

The more I used individual herbs the more I came to know them as individuals. The more I used simples, the simpler and more successful my remedies became. The more I used one herb at a time, the more I learned about how that herb worked, and didn't work.


When we use one herb at a time, we come to know that herb, we become intimate with that herb. Just as we become intimate with each other by spending time one-on-one, t?-??, simply together, we become closer to the herbs when we use them as simples.

Becoming intimate with an herb or a person helps us build trust. How reliable is the effect of this herb? When? How? Where does it fail? Using simples helps us build a web of green allies that we trust deeply. Simples help us feel more powerful. They help abate our fears, simply, safely.


Using one herb at a time gives us unparalleled opportunities to observe and make use of the subtle differences that are at the heart of herbal medicine. When we use simples we are more likely to notice the many variables that affect each herb: including where it grows, the years' weather, how we harvest it, our preparation, and the dosage.(1) The many variables within one plant insure that our simple remedy nonetheless touches many aspects of a person and heals deeply.

One apprentice tinctured motherwort flowering tops weekly through its blooming period. She reported that the tinctures made from the younger flower stalks had a stronger effect on the uterus; while those made from the older flower stalks, when the plant was going to seed, had a stronger effect on the heart.


Using one herb at a time helps me feel more certain that my remedy has an active value, not just a placebo value. Using one plant at a time, and local ones at that, reassures me that my herbal medicine cannot be legislated away. Using one plant at a time allows me to build trust in my remedies. Using one plant at a time is a subversive act, a reclaiming of simple healthcare.

Combinations erode my power, activate my "victim persona", and lead me to believe that herbal medicine is best left to the experts.


Take the challenge! Use simples instead of complex formulae. Let's rework some herbal remedies and get a sense of how simple it can be.

The anti-cancer formula Essiac contains Arctium lappa (burdock), Rheum palmatum (rhubarb), Ulmus fulva (slippery elm), and Rumex acetosella (sheep sorrel). Rhubarb root has no possible use against cancer; it is a purgative whose repeated use can "aggravate constipation". Slippery elm bark also has no possible anti-cancer properties and has no doubt been added to counter some of the detrimental effects of the rhubarb. Sheep sorrel juice is so caustic that it has been used to burn off skin cancers, but it would likely do more harm to the kidneys than to any cancer if ingested regularly. Leaving us with a great anti-cancer simple: burdock root. One that I have found superbly effective in reversing dysplasias and pre-cancerous conditions.

A John Lust formula for relief of coughs(2) contains Agropyron repens (witch grass), Pimpinella anisum (aniseed), Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice), Inula helenium (elecampane root), Pulmonaria officinalis (lungwort), Thymus species (thyme herb), (murillo bark)(3), Chondrus crispus (irish moss), Lobelia inflata (lobelia herb). Witch grass has little or no effect on coughs; it is an emollient diuretic whose dismissal from this group would leave no hole. Anise seeds are also not known to have an anti-pertussive effect; although they do taste good, we can do without them. Lobelia can bring more oxygen to the blood, but is certainly not an herb I would ever add to a cough mixture, so I will leave it out here. Licorice is a demulcent expectorant that can be most helpful for those with a dry cough; however, I do use it for a variety of reasons, among them its exotic origins and its cloyingly sweet taste. Lungwort is, as its name implies, a pectoral, but its effect is rather mild, and its place in the Boraginaceae family gives me pause. How much pyrrolizidine alkaloid might it contain? Thyme, and its more common anti-cough cousin garden sage, contains essential oils that could both quiet a cough and counter infection in the throat. A strong tea or a tincture of either could be our simple. Irish moss is, a specific to soothe coughs and a nutritive in addition, would also make an excellent simple. But it is elecampane that I would crown. It is not only a specific to curb coughing, it counters infection well, and tonifies lung tissues. Several small doses of a tincture of elecampane root should quiet a cough in a few hours.

Simples are fun. Give them a try.


1. Among the many variables, I have especially noticed that the tinctures that I make with fresh plants are many times more effective than tinctures made from dried plants. My elders tell me that preparations of common plants growing in uncommon places will be stronger as well. Many herbalists are aware of certain areas of their land that nurture plants that are particularly potent medicines.

2. John Lust. The Herb Book. 1974. Bantam.

3. Note that this formula, as is frequently the case, contains an "exotic" herb which Mr. Lust does not include in the 500+ herbs in his book, nor does he give us a botanical name for the plant, leaving us literally unable to prepare his formula as presented.

Susun Weed
PO Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081

Visit Susun Weed at: www.susunweed.com and www.ashtreepublishing.com
For permission to reprint this article, contact us at: susunweed@herbshealing.com

Vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures, teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine. Unabashedly pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging and often profoundly provocative.

Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women around the world. Learn more at www.susunweed.com
Source: http://www.iffizpartners.com/index.php?page=article&article_id=767

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Is Surgery The Only Answer?

Carpal tunnel syndrome causes tingling, numbness, pain, and wasting of the muscles on the thumb side of the hand - the area that is supplied by the median nerve.

Although surgery is often the choice of treatment, it is the most invasive form of treatment and is not the only treatment available. To better understand this, one needs to better understand the different causes of carpal tunnel syndrome.

The carpal tunnel is formed by an arch of four bones, the carpal bones, which form the back of the wrist. The front of the wrist is formed by the flexor retinaculum, a strong ligament which spans the arch. The tunnel thus forms between them.

The tendons that bend the fingers, and the median nerve all pass through this tunnel from the arm to the hand. What happens in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is that, for various reasons, the space in the tunnel becomes overcrowded, the nerve gets compressed, and the result is that the nerve no longer conducts signals as it should.

This nerve innervates the palm side of the hand over the thumb and first three and a half fingers. It also innervates the backs of the fingertips over this same area. Therefore, compression of the median nerve can only result in irritation over this area of the hand. If the trouble area is over the back of the hand or over the little finger, it is not carpal tunnel syndrome.

It is ultimately the compression of the median nerve that leads to carpal tunnel syndrome. Medical testing for carpal tunnel syndrome usually entails the use of an electromyelogram (EMG).

The EMG is done by putting a probe on the nerve in the forearm and again in the hand. A small current is then passed between the two of them to see how good the conduction is. A decrease in conduction means Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

The treatment most commonly recommended is the surgical cutting of the flexor retinaculum so as to provide more room for the nerve in the tunnel. This often works very well - but it is by no means the only solution.

So what causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? The first common cause is a deterioration of the joints between the carpal bones. This causes the tunnel to collapse and, in turn, compresses the median nerve. The second cause is a swelling of the tendons. The enlarged tendons take up more space, and so put pressure on the nerve.

Choosing the right treatment depends on knowing which of these is the cause in any particular case. However, and EMG cannot tell you that and so reliance on the EMG alone for diagnosis can result in unnecessary surgery.

If the cause is swollen tendons (tendonitis) then, I believe, it is better treated by tackling the cause of the inflammation - such as too much stress or tension on the tendons - than by surgery.

Too much repetitive use of the muscles in the forearm cause them to tighten up. This then makes the tendons tight too, and that can cause them to become inflamed and swollen - a common cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

In this case, using treatments such as stretching, physiotherapy, nutritional support, soft tissue manipulation, good typing posture, and chiropractic manipulation can be effective. And much less invasive with fewer side effects than surgery.

Surgery can certainly work. But my preference is to start with the simpler, less risky alternatives. If having tried those, things are no better, then by all means consider surgery.

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/Carpal-Tunnel-Syndrome---Is-Surgery-The-Only-Answer-/1300

8 Ways To Treat Varicose Vein With Non-Medical Methods

If you are worried about having your varicose vein removed by surgery, fear not because there are many non-medical and natural remedies for treating varicose veins now available. As the world moves toward looking for healthier and more natural choices when it comes to our bodies, doctors and researchers continue to find more ways to offer natural and non-medical treatment for various ailments.

However, non medical treatments are more effective for milder cases of varicose vein. Some of these treatments are:

1) Acupuncture and Acupressure

2) Aromatherapy

3) Hydrotherapy

4) Compression Stockings

5) Massage

6) Exercise

7) Healthy Diet

8) Vitamins

These methods also work very well in preventing varicose vein.

Acupuncture and Acupressure

They are effective, but only for the appearance of the veins. Both these procedures will help to keep the veins from worsening, but unfortunately cannot help them to disappear completely.


This is an excellent choice amongst the natural treatment for varicose vein, as the oils can help with the swelling that may occur with varicose veins. Massaging the area around the veins with certain oils, can help reduce the size of the veins as well as reduce swelling.


Alternating between hot and cold baths can help with the blood circulation. This is another one of the best natural remedies for varicose vein as damaged veins are normally associated with bad circulation. It is generally easy to do this treatment at home.

Compression Stockings

For a person suffering from varicose veins temporarily, such as while pregnant, compression can be used as a non medical treatment . This might also be true for someone that is mildly affected with varicose veins.

For people who are suffering with a more severe case of varicose veins, compression stockings can be prescribed by their doctors. These stockings can often be purchased at a medical supply store or at a full service pharmacy. The compression stockings for varicose vein treatment range in price from about $50 to $100, depending on the size and style.

These stockings tighten the most at the ankle, and gradually deliver less pressure as it stretches over the knee and towards the thigh. This results in forcing of blood along its natural course despite the damage to the veins. These stockings are not everlasting however, and even the prescription stockings will need to be replaced after a few months of regular use.


There are several different massage techniques to treat varicose vein. Massage works very well because it makes your skin tender and thus prevent you from getting varicose veins.

Even if you already have varicose vein, the massage can still work wonders for you. It can help to get rid of varicose veins that are already on your skin if you suffer from mild varicose veins.


The most important part of non medical treatment for varicose vein is exercise. In fact it is a vital part of maintaining a healthy and balanced body. Exercise gets the blood flowing normally which helps greatly with blood circulation. Besides aerobic exercise, yoga has also been noted as another important aspect of exercise which can be used to treat varicose veins.

Healthy Diet

As with anything that is health related diet plays a big part in treating varicose veins. Make sure that you include plenty of fiber, vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as zinc in your diet. These are just some of the elements that will help you in treating varicose veins.

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can also prevent varicose veins from occurring in the first place. Always make sure that you maintain a healthy diet which will promote general health and wellbeing for your whole body.


Vitamins are important elements in preventing and treating varicose veins. They are more effective when used in addition to other treatments such as compression stockings. Although natural supplements are not often known to have ill effects, especially those available for mass distribution, some have been found to interact badly with other medications. So, if you do decide to have surgery after all, for your varicose veins, you need to let your doctor know about any supplements that you are currently taking.

The most important varicose vein vitamins you should take regularly to treat varicose veins are A, C, E, B6, and K. In addition, you should also take bioflavoniods and fiber as they are also important for your overall health. Author Resource:- Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more about varicose veins at Daytona Beach and other varicose veins in Orange county , please visit varicose veins cure.

Source: http://www.profoundarticles.com/articledetail.php?artid=52339&catid=708

Read This Before You Buy Natural Supplements Or Herbal Remedies

Herbals supplements on the whole have been proven safer and in many cases more effective than their prescription counterparts. It is with this in mind that everyone should have a healthy knowledge of natural supplements and herbal remedies in general. It is advised that if you are on any serious prescription medication, that you do research, and possibly consult with an herbalist before attempting to substitute any herbal remedies for your current prescription medications. However if taken in accordance to the directions given, natural supplements and herbal remedies can be very effective in treating most medical conditions.

When buying herbal supplements it is paramount to know exactly what herbal supplements you are buying. If one buys Goldenseal, they are getting a potential infection fighter. Although the other side of that coin is that Goldenseal causes insulin production and thus it can be harmful to diabetics and hypoglycemics. There are those with these conditions that still choose to take Goldenseal however they mix it with licorice to limit the effect of the insulin production.

A helpful herb that you should consider if you plan to buy herbal supplements is Lobelia. This is a nice little herb that can help the user get to sleep fast. It is also taken as a relaxation inducer and anxiety remover. It comes in different forms so it is possible to either rub it on your skin or simply take it in pill form. Lobelia should not be taken in large doses. If taken in large doses it can cause vomiting resulting in dehydration.

If you are going to buy herbal supplements, you should know that hey can effect users differently. What works for one person may not necessarily work for their friends. A great deal of people have amazing results from buying herbal supplements and taking them. However others may not achieve the same results. This is in large part due to many people deciding to buy herbal supplements and then they do not follow through with taking them as directed. It is very important when taking herbal supplements to give them time to work and remember to take them as often as the label directs.

Cayenne is an amazing herb to consider if you are going to buy herbal supplements. You can obtain it in a pill or pepper form. In the event of an emergency, it can stop bleeding. This includes external as well as internal bleeding. With external wounds you sprinkle the powder form onto the wound and it will stop the bleeding quickly, nd it also keeps it from burning and forming a blister. As for internal bleeding, one can simply mix it with water and drink it to stop the bleeding. Last, but not least it can be used to treat allergic reactions to stings and insect bites.

Apple cider vinegar should also be kept on hand to treat severe burns. You can either pour it directly on the burns or soak cloths in it and place them on the effected areas. Plain black tea is also a burn remedy (including sun burn).

Pain relief remedies are also an excellent inclusion in your herbal medicine chest. The most effective herbal remedy for pain relief for most people is White Willow. White Willow relieves pain, reduces inflammation (for example in arthritis), and reduces fevers. It is actually the original source of aspirin and many anti-inflammatory drugs. White Willow acts to alleviate pain by reducing inflammation without the side effects and risks of the pharmaceutical versions. Just having White Willow listed on the label of an herbal supplement will not be enough for pain relief purposes. Purchase one hundred percent White Willow in gel capsules for your herbal medicine chest.

Before you buy herbal supplements, make sure you read the list of what the herbal supplement can potentially treat. Many people make the mistake of buying the wrong herbal supplement, and then when it does not treat their illness, they then blame herbal supplements as a whole. In fact most people who buy herbal supplements, that is the correct herbal supplements for their particular ailments, are indeed quite happy with their decision to use herbal remedies over traditional medicine.

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/Read-This-Before-You-Buy-Natural-Supplements-Or-Herbal-Remedies/1398

Home Remedies For Acne The Organic Way

If you do not take care of yourself, brush your teeth, take care of your skin. You will see yourself aging quickly. If it is something that can be treated with a natural product then by all means do so. Organic skin care is much easier on your skin and could prevent a lot of acne skin care problems down the road.

Curcuma domestica, orchard apple tree, Carica papaya, gingerroot are others that find a extensive utilization in organic skin care procedures. These constituent materials have a really energizing and life-giving effect on your skin. Organic fruits and veggies are the most democratic things on organic skin care routines e.g. cucumber is really common in organic skin care functions.

Most skin care books have a chapter or to on organic skin care. Many will have specific information about fruits and vegetables. When you chose to use organic skin care products, pick something that is suitable for your skin. Use fresh ingredients not stuff that should have been thrown out.

Milk is known to posses good cleansing properties; in fact, the name of some skin care products contains the word 'milk' in them. A combination of milk with ground oatmeal acts as wonderful cleanser. Also, ground oatmeal is especially good for oily skins and is a popular ingredient in organic skin care regimen. It is used in various combinations e.g. with egg, honey, milk and fruits, for preparation of organic facial packs.

Wheat germ is another ingredient in organic skin care procedures. It is rich in vitamin E and is known for its exfoliation as well as moisturising properties. Wheat germ, in various combinations with other organic materials, is used to prepare facial masks for normal and dry skin types. Wheat germ oil is another way in which wheat germ is used for organic skin care.

Do not overdo what may be a good thing. Many adults as well as teens are plaged by severe acne, and still use abrasive skin products. Why not start with natural and organic materials such sour cream and yogurt.

Use of organic honey is also popular in organic skin care procedures. It helps in retention of moisture and helps impart a glowing look to skin. Rose water takes its place as a toner in organic skin care routines. Lavender water is popular too. The most effective treatment for acne doesn't always necessitate lots of work. Be gentle with your skin and it will clear up the organic way.

Organic skin care is genuinely a fine art that, at one time honed, can give fantastic outcomes in a really cost-efficient way. 'Organic skin care' uses combinings of assorted organic stuffs that fully complement one another and heighten each other's strength. Furthermore, these combinations are also helpful in reversing the adverse effects (if whatsoever) of respective organic materials that form them.

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/Home-Remedies-For-Acne-The-Organic-Way/1690

A Little Sleeping Mist Can Go A Long Way

Do you remember walking into your mother's kitchen after school as a child to the fresh and welcoming aroma of cookies baking in the oven? Did you used to spend hours lying on the ground in the summer, taking in the wonderful scent of the freshly mowed grass? Does the smell of a man's robust cologne titillate your senses and draw you further toward him?

We might not always realize it, but our little noses help us connect to a particular place, time or feeling. For this reason, aromatherapy has grown quite popular over the years.

But what if you considered thinking of wonderful scents from the subconscious perspective, rather than smelling things knowingly all day long? So, you have worked hard at your job from nine to five, you come home to a house full of hungry people, things are in complete disarray, and lastly, dishes are in the sink.

You certainly feel exhausted, but you know you will have a heck of a time trying to fall asleep as you always do. Stress rears its ugly head, and all you can think about is getting cozy in your pajamas, and lying on that comfortable bed.

Once you get under the covers, you stare at the ceiling for at least twenty minutes, waiting for all of the smoke to clear from your chaotic life. You breathe in the air in the room, and feel absolutely nothing. But, that is the problem. There is nothing to help your body relax enough to allow you to doze off into a deep slumber.

Then you remember that bottle of lavender sleeping mist in the nightstand. You gently spritz this pleasantly soft aroma around the room, and let it hit the pillow and bed linens. As you lie back down, you roll over on your side, and inhale a whole world of goodness that soothes every part of your body. This scent is so familiar to you, reminding you of memories of your youth.

Lavender comforts you, and you turn on the other side to begin all over again. And, before you know it, rapid eye movement has set in, and the journey toward a restful night is accomplished. You absolutely cannot wait to try green apple vanilla tomorrow, and be immersed into another wonderfully pleasant atmosphere. Soon enough, this becomes a healthy pattern for your body, and you look forward to nighttime, and letting your mind and body truly rest.

Your nose knows, and the sense of smell is directly connected to the nerve center, which of course is controlled by that big ol' brain of yours. The reason that a sleeping mist is so powerful, and works every time, is because the smells are extremely comforting, putting your body in an immediate state of rest. Without any strenuous activity or thoughts, the brain is signaled to turn off, which then lets the rest of your body cease major work, except for the cleansing process it naturally does during the night. I bet you never imagined that the science of sleep and the key to ending insomnia rested upon such gentle aromas.
Source: http://www.profoundarticles.com/articledetail.php?artid=52551&catid=708

Three Traditions of Healing

The Wise Woman tradition, focusing on integration and nourishment, and insisting on attention to uniqueness and holographic interconnectedness, is another choice: a new way that is also the most ancient healing way known. A way that follows a spiral path, a give-away dance of nourishment, change and self-love. "Trust yourself."

Alternative health care practitioners usually think in the Heroic tradition: the way of the savior, a circular path of rules, punishment, and purification. "Trust me."

AMA-approved, legal, covered-by-insurance health care practitioners are trained to think in the Scientific tradition: walking the knife edge of keen intellect, the straight line of analytical thought, measuring and repeating. Excellent for fixing broken things. "Trust my machine."

The Scientific, Heroic, and Wise Woman traditions are ways of thinking, not ways of acting. Any practice, any technique, any substance can be used by a practitioner/helper in any of the three traditions. There are, for instance, herbalists, and midwives, and MDs in each tradition.

The practitioner and the practice are different. The same techniques, the same herbs are seen and used differently by a person thinking in Scientific, Heroic, or Wise Woman ways.

Thinking these ways does lead to a preference for certain cures. The Wise Woman helper frequently nourishes with herbs and words. The Heroic savior lays down the law to clean up your act fast. The Scientific technician is most at ease with laboratory tests and repeatable, predictable, reliable drugs. But still, the practices do not conclusively identify the practitioner as being in a particular tradition.

The intent, the thought behind the technique points to the tradition: scientific fixing, heroic elimination, or wise womanly digestion and integration.

You contain some aspects of each tradition. And the three traditions are not limited to the realm of healing. The Scientific, Heroic, and Wise Woman ways of thinking are found in politics, legal systems, religions, psychologies, teaching styles, economics. As the Wise Woman way becomes more clearly identified, it opens the way to an integrated, whole, sacred, peaceful global village, interactive with Gaia, mother, earth. As each discipline spins anew its wise woman thread, we reweave the web of interconnectedness with all beings.

Susun Weed
PO Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081

Visit Susun Weed at: www.susunweed.com and www.ashtreepublishing.com
For permission to reprint this article, contact us at: susunweed@herbshealing.com

Vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures, teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine. Unabashedly pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging and often profoundly provocative.

Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women around the world. Learn more at www.susunweed.com
Source: http://www.iffizpartners.com/index.php?page=article&article_id=774

An introduction to Adult Stem Cells

I'm sure you've already heard about Stem Cells. Maybe you saw a news story or a read a news article or saw the Presidential address. They are the most widely publicized scientific discovery today and with good reason. How about Embryonic Stem Cells? They have created a great deal of controversy and with good reason. The lure of what Embryonic Stem Cells can do for our health has led to ethical issues surrounding such things as embryo harvesting. One thing remains, Stem Cells represent the future of Health and Wellness as we know it. And they are here to stay.

So what are they?

Stem Cells are master cells, meaning that they can generate many, if not all, of the different tissues of the body. They are with us our entire lives and are released naturally from the bone marrow, but like everything else, the process behind their release slows down with age. When there aren't as many stem cells in the blood stream, the body can't repair and renew itself as it once did. These master cells are still contained in the bone marrow in the millions, just not being released as they should.

As this natural release occurs we need to concern ourselves with finding ways to reverse it. The good news is there are 4 things we can do.

Exercise - as we already know, regular exercise is vital to good health
Proper breathing - deep breathing oxygenates the blood and tissues
Good Nutrition - we need nutrients to nourish and water to flush toxins from our cells
Stem cell enhancers - a new product category set to become what antioxidants are today

Stem Cells are the only known source for rebuilding the body and renewing health by restoring lost or degraded cells. They have already been used to help treat things such as Leukemia, AIDS, Alzheimer's Disease and multiple sclerosis.

They have been used to form new cartilage, grow new corneas to restore sight to the blind, as treatments for stroke victims, and several groups are using adult stem cells with patients to repair damage after heart attacks.

Early clinical trials have also shown initial success in patient treatments for Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injury. And, the first FDA-approved trial to treat juvenile diabetes in human patients is ready to begin at Harvard Medical School, using adult stem cells. In short, they are the building blocks of life itself.

Adult versus Embryonic Stem Cells.

Adult Stem Cells is the term given to stem cells after birth which means babies have adult stem cells in their bodies. Embryonic stem cells are simply those from embryos -- undifferentiated, or not developed into a specific cell types. Research has shown that embryonic stem cells can develop genetic abnormalities. This is not the case with our own adult stem cells.

For this reason, researchers such as Kursad Turksen in his book 'Adult Stem Cells' offer the following wisdom: "Adult stem cell biology is at the forefront of the emerging field of regenerative medicine, offering a source of cells to generate tissues that lack some of the ethical and political impediments inherent in embryonic, fetal, and cloned cells."

The biggest advantage of using adult stem cells is that the body's own stem cells can be used, effectively removing the problems of immune rejection or abnormalities.

Adult stem cell science is real.

Adult stem cell research offers the best and clinically proven treatments for a whole host of human diseases and conditions and is helping people overcome these health challenges as you read this article. There are currently over 700 FDA approved clinical trials going on in the United States using adult stem cells but none for embryonic stem cells which is why the future of regenerative health and wellness looks great with Adult stem cells.

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/An-introduction-to-Adult-Stem-Cells/1559

Applying Science To Confirm Chinese Medication

Despite the fact that Chinese medicine has been adopted as an efficient practice for thousands of years, Western scientific reasoning continues to question whether this is a justifiable system to assist with healing. Regardless of this most Western medicine doctors would agree with the declarations that qigong sustains health by promoting restfulness and movement, that acupuncture soothes discomfort by energizing the production of neurotransmitters, or that Chinese herbal medicines may involve dominant biochemical agents were.

If you are curious about Chinese medicine, yet its possibilities have not convinced you, you might investigate the different research that others have used to come to conclusions with reference to its power. Chinese medicine practices are conceived by many to be especially proficient, at times presenting relieving capability where the best studies of Western medicine disappoint, mainly for routine sickness such as flu and allergies, and managing to circumvent the toxicity of some chemically composed cures.

The most debated science between East and West whether acupuncture has a value as a medical practise. It is mostly admitted to be safe accordant to input gained by means of medical investigation. At this moment, the research studies have not indicated any comprehensive inferences with reference to whether acupuncture might be imagined a science. Likewise, probing indicates that the value of acupuncture is accomplished in treatment. Scientists have similarly noted that seeing that the treatment is innocent, it may well be used, and just requires to have further examinations related to it.

Moreover, analysis is liable to discover further fields where the practice of acupuncture will be effective. One more aspect that has been studied by contemporary scientists is herbal cures that are adopted according to accepted Chinese medication methods. Whilst several of these have yet to be studied, further ingredients contained in the herbs are practised in pharmaceutical drugs that are assigned to patients.

Chinese wormwood, Ephedra, and artemisinin are a number of instances of ancient treatments that have moved into Western treatment from Chinese ideals. Chinese herbal treatment includes many compounds which are ignored by Western medicine, and there is exceptional enthusiasm in those compounds as well as the doctrines which Chinese medicine practitioners use to establish which compound to prescribe.

When you take into consideration the thousand-year evolution of Chinese medicine, it is conceivable that whereas herbs were firstly sanctioned on misguided justifications, only those that really proved effective have stayed in value. One understanding that all Western probing shows, with the assorted concepts of Chinese treatment, is that the remedies are secure. Most of the medical studies suggest that even though the treatments are not scientifically recognised, they are favourable to one's health and have minimum side effects.

Many scientists may also point out that, to fully understand the concept, it is only a lack of analysis of the medicine applied in Chinese philosophies. From the beliefs to the reality, Chinese medicine is a discussed approach in Western society.

Evaluations in the concepts that have been used and dissected over time have increased. By way of the different methods of Chinese medicine to the regular worth considered by many who are looking for holistic health, Chinese treatment is becoming respected in modern society.

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/Applying-Science-To-Confirm-Chinese-Medication/2078

Flush Salt Water For Natural Body Cleansing

Flush salt water through your digestive tract to aid in cleansing your body of its accumulated waste, recommends some naturopathic practitioners. Doing this can help you alleviate many of your digestive complaints. When you flush salt water through your clogged system, you can expect to reap benefits in new and positive chances. This is a good alternative to using harsh and commercial medications for treating ailments like constipation.

Since natural salt is a necessary for normal body functioning that can be depleted with physical exertion, many electrolyte balancing sports drinks contain salt. However, sea salt is superior to processed salt as it contains health enhancing minerals. For natural body cleansing, a sea salt laxative draws out impurities from your digestive tract and at the same time, provides your body with necessary minerals that may not be available in your current diet. However, do thread with caution. Sufferers of ulcers, cancer, or digestive illnesses should research this treatment carefully or consult with their doctor before starting the natural body cleansing process.

To flush salt water, combine 2 teaspoons of unrefined sea salt with 2 quarts of warm water. If you find it hard to gulp it down, then add lemon juice to make it more palatable. Each individual may react to the process of flushing the system with a sea salt laxative in a different way. In general, do expect to empty your bowels in a few hours, although this may vary depending on your digestive tract. On your very first attempt, you may find it extremely tough to drink the sea salt solution but do persists in going through the cleanse so that you can get to enjoy its benefits thereafter.

When you flush salt water, you can expect to see benefits from natural body cleansing. In particular, you get to experience an uplift in your moods due to an increase in energy. You may also experience improved respiratory and sinus function. In fact, flush salt water through your systems is often recommended by folk medicine as a treatment for colds or as a natural antihistamine. Other indirect benefits that you may get to enjoy include nicer smelling breath, decrease in body odor and better looking skin.

It is true that you are not alone in terms of suffering from digestive complaints and unaccounted for lethargy which may be the result of improper digestion. Your digestive functions slow down if you continue to consume a diet that is laden with fats, chemicals, and toxins. Hence, flush salt water to give your body a chance to find the comfort and energy that you have been craving for.
Source: http://www.profoundarticles.com/articledetail.php?artid=53049&catid=708

Questions - And Answers - About Nourishing Herbal Infusions


No. The herbs I use for my nourishing herbal infusions - such as nettle, oatstraw, red clover, comfrey leaf, linden flowers, chickweed, or mullein leaves - contain little or no volatiles to be lost in drying. Rather, drying liberates their minerals and other nourishing constituents.


No. It is important to pour boiling water over the dried herb to help liberate the minerals.


When we make nourishing herbal infusion for 30 at the Wise Woman Center, we begin by boiling 4 gallons of water in our biggest pot. Then we add one pound of herb (16 ounces in one pound, and 16 quarts in 4 gallons), stirring well until the water boils again. We cover the pot well with a tight-fitting lid, turn off the fire, and allow to steep right there overnight.


No. It is best to make infusion fresh each day. Once made, nourishing herbal infusions spoil rapidly. Refrigeration lengthens the time the infusion is good to drink. Depending on many factors, including the herb used and the indoor temperature during the brewing, refrigerated infusion is usually good for at least 24 hours, sometimes as much as 72 hours.


If a nourishing herbal infusion tastes funny, smells odd, and/or has bubbles in it, it is no longer fit to drink.


All is not lost; spoiled infusion makes a perfectly good hair rinse and a superb plant food.


Not only are nourishing herbal infusions safe for children, children love nourishing herbal infusions. Children who drink nourishing herbal infusions instead of fruit juice are frequently healthier and more robust.


Fruit juices are really quite sweet: drinking them daily can promote tooth decay and obesity. They are expensive, and actually contain little nutrients in proportion to calories. Nourishing herbal infusions, even if sweetened with honey, have a much more favorable nutrient density to calorie ratio. (Caution: Do not give honey to infants under one year of age.)


You may be astonished by your desires for nourishing herbs once you begin to use them regularly. This is quite common. When you have absorbed all the minerals you need, your cravings will naturally disappear. So, no, it is not really possible to drink too much nourishing herbal infusion or eat too much seaweed.


It is. I haven't taken supplements for more than 25 years. I do eat a healthy whole foods diet, drink nourishing herbal infusions daily, consume lots of yogurt, and take time for my weekly (for 35 years) yoga, and twice-a-week (for 5 years) tai chi classes.


I drink 2-4 cups of nourishing herbal infusion a day, plus I use several tablespoons of mineral-rich herbal vinegars on my wild salad daily, and plenty of garlic, onions, mushrooms, and seaweed.


I prefer to drink my nourishing herbal infusion iced. Although I may prefer my comfrey infusion hot and with honey if the wind is howling and the snow blowing outside. Some salt or miso or umeboshi vinegar in nettle infusion is another interesting variation I enjoy.

Green Blessings!

Susun Weed
PO Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081

Visit Susun Weed at: www.susunweed.com and www.ashtreepublishing.com
For permission to reprint this article, contact us at: susunweed@herbshealing.com

Vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures, teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine. Unabashedly pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging and often profoundly provocative.

Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women around the world. Learn more at www.susunweed.com
Source: http://www.iffizpartners.com/index.php?page=article&article_id=771

Can You Trust All Natural Cures?

How to Choose Natural Cures for Your Disease, Ailment or Disorder

Interest in natural cures is at an all time high in the United States today. Many products made from nature now claim to cure common ailments, diseases and disorders. These include diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety and many more.

Cures developed by a "mad scientist" in the form of synthesized drugs scare many people but if the medication or treatment is an all nature cure it is very comforting to some people. After all, if it's found naturally in the world, it can't be that bad, right? Well, not exactly.

Unfortunately, nature has produced very potent and toxic chemicals even more so than produced by mankind. So, just because it is "all natural" does not mean it is necessarily safe.

Nature does make wonderful all natural cures for everyday disorders. Penicillin, for example, can cure many different forms of bacterial infections.

However, most antibiotics used today are not all natural remedies; antibiotics are modified versions of natural compounds synthesized in a lab. Does this make them any less healthy? No, not at all. Many synthesized drugs will cure life threatening bacterial infections much better than all natural cures and may save your life.

Choosing a natural cure tips:

1) How much has the natural medication or treatment been studied, tried, and tested?

Has it been proven effective in treating your particular ailment, disease or disorder you're trying to overcome? What studies have been completed, and who actually performed the studies?

You hear glowing testimonials from customers about the wonders of these all natural cures. But unless a company is willing to provide scientific confirmation, I would definitely look for something else.

2) Use the Internet and search engines like Google or Yahoo to research the all natural cures for your particular problem.

The bottom line is that just because something has been made from nature does not mean that it is safe and that it can be effective in treating your problem. Your health is paramount so take some time to do some proper research.

And lastly, it would be great if all natural cures worked for our problems but they do not. If a product is not all natural, don't disregard it if it has been proven effective for your particular problem.

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/Can-You-Trust-All-Natural-Cures-/1949

Cholesterol Lowering Diets and Your Heart Health

The American heart is suffering. We're not talking about the pride and soul of the country, but the heart problems that come with the Western way of life. Many individuals aren't aware of what heart problems are, how to manage cholesterol levels, or methods of adapting lifestyle changes to help eliminate American heart problems.

A good place to start learning more about this is issue is the website of the American Heart Association at www.americanheart.org. The website is packed with good information about the epidemic of heart problems in North America and about some of the prevention tactics that we all could be doing in our daily lives to prevent heart disease. Despite all of the information available, many people are still succumbing to heart disease each day. Heart healthy lifestyle choices make these deaths preventable.


One of the first things you need to do to prevent heart problems is to watch your cholesterol levels. Keep an eye on what you're eating to make sure that you are keeping those cholesterol levels down. Think of the food you put into your body as fuel for a car. If you are putting terrible fuel into your car, your car won't run very well. If you put in top quality fuel, your car will run like a dream. Your body works the same way.

Lowering your cholesterol levels by eating grains and vegetables is a good start to helping solve American heart problems. Trim the fat from meat and stay away from any product that lists saturated fat or trans fat as an ingredient. Reduce trips to fast-food restaurants or opt for salads instead of fries. Salad can be a great meal on its own with a few additions like crunchy nuts or seeds for flavor. You'll find more suggestions for good cholesterol choices on the American Heart Association website.

Staying Healthy

You've got your cholesterol level diet planned out perfectly, so it's time to take a better look at some other ways to staying "heart healthy". Of course, the best way to keep your heart healthy is through regular exercise. You can do all you want to your diet, but if you aren't keeping your body in motion, all of those dietary decisions are essentially useless.

Regular exercise recommendations from the American Heart Association can really benefit your body and lower your cholesterol levels. Exercise that gets the blood flowing and your heart pumping is great, so try integrating running, bicycling, or swimming into your week. Choose to walk to the store instead of driving and take the stairs instead of the elevator. The good choices you make will help get your heart back into top shape!

Source: http://www.hercomm.com/AD/Article/Cholesterol-Lowering-Diets-and-Your-Heart-Health/2411

Getting Help for Agoraphobia (Panic Disorder)

A thorough discussion about the real meaning of agoraphobia will unravel the truth that goes beyond its literal translation. The word itself is a combination of two Greek words, namely agora and phobos, which when combined means "fear of the market place". As such, it has been interpreted to mean that it is a phobia related to open or crowded places. However, this is not an accurate description of this condition.

Panic disorder is not merely your presence in a crowded area or finding yourself in a wide, open space, which will trigger your uncontrollable fear. Rather it involves your psychological makeup whenever you suffer a panic attack given a situation, which you believe does not allow you to escape or you are put in an embarrassing circumstance. A person afflicted with agoraphobia experiences severe anxiety and she must reach his/her comfort zone in order to calm down and feel secure.

Agoraphobia has been classified as an anxiety disorder that may or may not be accompanied by panic disorder. Clinical studies reveal that about 29% of the total number of people suffering from panic disorders moves on to developing agoraphobia. If detected early on and given the necessary treatment, the progression of panic disorder to agoraphobia may be prevented. The rate of women having agoraphobia compared to men is two to one, where gender and emotional capabilities are considered factors in its development. As to age, it is prevalent for those aged 17 to 40 years old.

In extreme cases, a person experiencing anxiety may find herself restricted at home. It is usually your home, which serves as your haven since it provides you with the belief that you have things in control and you are safe. Once you are out of your safety zone, you feel threatened and the anxiety begins to build. The symptoms associated with this phobia are unmanageable shaking, profuse sweating, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and the urge to run away to your security blanket. For some individuals, they seriously believe that they are going to die and may exhibit abnormal behavior in their desire to get away.

What will trigger an anxiety attack differs from one person to another. Studies relate this phobia to a biochemical imbalance in your brain. When you experience it the first time, whether you are in a grocery store, in a mall, inside a vehicle or somewhere else, you tend to associate that feeling with that place. Consequently, your logical reaction would to avoid going to those locations to prevent another attack. Your brain makes that connection, which can either be valid or not. To verify your conclusion, you ought to consult with a psychiatrist. It is possible that there are other underlying reasons, perhaps medical ones, why the panic attack happened in that time and place.

Dealing with agoraphobia is quite difficult for the person concerned as well as their family. Fortunately, treatments have been developed to address this health condition. Some of the remedies are quite successful in restoring the patient back to normal life and in overcoming the irrational fears.

Source: http://www.profoundarticles.com/articledetail.php?artid=53603&catid=708

Using Herbs Simply & Safely

To prevent problems when selling or using herbs:

1. Be certain you have the correct plant.
2. Use simples.
3. Understand that different preparations of the same herb can work differently.
4. Use nourishing, tonifying, stimulating, and potentially poisonous herbs wisely.


One of the easiest ways to get into trouble with an herb is to use the "wrong" one. How could that happen? Common names for herbs overlap, causing confusion as to the proper identity. Herbs that are labeled correctly may contain extraneous material from another, more dangerous, herb. Herbs may be picked at the wrong stage of growth or handled incorrectly after harvesting, causing them to develop detrimental qualities.

Protect yourself and your customers with these simple steps:

* Buy herbs only from reputable suppliers.

* Only buy herbs that are labeled with their botanical name. Botanical names are specific, but the same common names can refer to several different plants. "Marigold" can be Calendula officinalis, a medicinal herb, or Tagetes, an annual used as a bedding plant.

* If you grow the herbs you sell, be meticulous about keeping different plants separate when you harvest and dry them, and obsessive about labeling.


A simple is one herb. For optimum safety, I prepare, buy, sell, teach about and use herbal simples, that is: preparations containing only one herb. (Occasionally I will add some mint to flavor a remedy.)

The more herbs there are in a formula, the more likelihood there is of unwanted side-effects. Understandably, the public seeks combinations, hoping to get more for less. And many mistakenly believe that herbs must be used together to be effective (probably because potentially poisonous herbs are often combined with protective herbs to mitigate the damage they cause). But combining herbs with the same properties, such as goldenseal and echinacea, is counter-productive and more likely to cause trouble than a simple. A simple tincture of echinacea is more effective than any combination and much safer.

Different people have different reactions to substances, whether drugs, foods, or herbs. When herbs are mixed together in a formula and someone taking it has distressing side effects, there is no way to determine which herb is the cause. With simples, it's easy to tell which herb is doing what. If there's an adverse reaction, other herbs with similar properties can be tried. Limiting the number of herbs used in any one day (to no more than four) offers added protection.

Side effects from herbs are less common than side effects from drugs and usually less severe. If an herb disturbs the digestion, it may be that the body is learning to process it. Give it a few more tries before giving up. Stop taking any herb that causes nausea, dizziness, sharp stomach pains, diarrhea, headache, or blurred vision. (These effects will generally occur quite quickly.) Slippery elm is an excellent antidote to any type of poison.

If you are allergic to any foods or medicines, it is especially important to consult resources that list the side effects of herbs before you use them.


The safety of any herbal remedy is dependent on the way it is prepared and used.

* Tinctures and extracts contain the alkaloids, or poisonous, parts of plants and need to be used with care and wisdom. Tinctures are as safe as the herb involved (see cautions below for tonifying, stimulating, sedating, or potentially poisonous herbs). Best used/sold as simples, not combinations, especially when strong herbs are being used.

* Dried herbs made into teas or infusions contain the nourishing aspects of the plants and are usually quite safe, especially when nourishing or tonifying herbs are used.

* Dried herbs in capsules are generally the least effective way to use herbs. They are poorly digested, poorly utilized, often stale or ineffective, and quite expensive.

* Infused herbal oils are available as is, or thickened into ointments. They are much safer than essential oils, which are highly concentrated and can be lethal if taken internally.

* Herbal vinegars are not only decorative but mineral-rich as well. A good medium for nourishing and tonifying herbs; not as strong as tinctures for stimulants/sedatives.

* Herbal glycerins are available for those who prefer to avoid alcohol but are usually weaker in action than tinctures.


Herbs comprise a group of several thousand plants with widely varying actions. Some are nourishers, some tonifiers, some stimulants and sedatives, and some are potential poisons. To use them wisely and well, we need to understand each category, its uses, best manner of preparation, and usual dosage range.

Nourishing herbs are the safest of all herbs; side effects are rare. Nourishing herbs are taken in any quantity for any length of time. They are used as foods, just like spinach and kale. Nourishing herbs provide high levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, carotenes, and essential fatty acids.

Examples of nourishing herbs are: alfalfa, amaranth, astragalus, calendula flowers, chickweed, comfrey leaves, dandelion, fenugreek, flax seeds, honeysuckle flowers, lamb's quarter, marshmallow, nettles, oatstraw, plantain (leaves/seeds), purslane, red clover blossoms, seaweed, Siberian ginseng, slippery elm, violet leaves, and wild mushrooms.

Tonifying herbs act slowly in the body and have a cumulative, rather than immediate, effect. They build the functional ability of an organ (like the liver) or a system (like the immune system). Tonifying herbs are most beneficial when they are used in small quantities for extended periods of time. The more bitter the tonic tastes, the less you need to take. Bland tonics may be used in quantity, like nourishing herbs.

Side effects occasionally occur with tonics, but are usually quite short-term. Many older herbalists mistakenly equated stimulating herbs with tonifying herbs, leading to widespread misuse of many herbs, and severe side effects.

Examples of tonifying herbs are: barberry bark, burdock root/seeds, chaste tree, crone(mug)wort, dandelion root, echinacea, elecampane, fennel, garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, ground ivy, hawthorn berries, horsetail, lady's mantle, lemon balm, milk thistle seeds, motherwort, mullein, pau d'arco, raspberry leaves, schisandra berries, St. Joan's wort, turmeric root, usnea, wild yam, and yellow dock.

Sedating and stimulating herbs cause a variety of rapid reactions, some of which may be unwanted. Some parts of the person may be stressed in order to help other parts. Strong sedatives and stimulants, whether herbs or drugs, push us outside our normal ranges of activity and may cause strong side effects. If we rely on them and then try to function without them, we wind up more agitated (or depressed) than before we began. Habitual use of strong sedatives and stimulants - whether opium, rhubarb root, cayenne, or coffee - leads to loss of tone, impairment of functioning, and even physical dependency. The stronger the herb, the more moderate the dose needs to be, and the shorter the duration of its use.

Herbs that tonify and nourish while sedating/stimulating are some of my favorite herbs. I use them freely, as they do not cause dependency. Sedating/stimulating herbs that also tonify or nourish: boneset, catnip, citrus peel, cleavers, ginger, hops, lavender, marjoram, motherwort, oatstraw, passion flower, peppermint, rosemary, sage, skullcap.

Strongly sedating/stimulating herbs include: angelica, black pepper, blessed thistle root, cayenne, cinnamon, cloves, coffee, licorice, opium poppy, osha root, shepherd's purse, sweet woodruff, turkey rhubarb root, uva ursu leaves, valerian root, wild lettuce sap, willow bark, and wintergreen leaves.

Potentially poisonous herbs are intense, potent medicines that are taken in tiny amounts and only for as long as needed. Side effects are common.

Examples of potentially poisonous herbs are: belladonna, blood-root, celandine, chaparral, foxglove, goldenseal, henbane, iris root, Jimson weed, lobelia, May apple (American mandrake), mistletoe, poke root, poison hemlock, stillingia root, turkey corn root, wild cucumber root.

In addition, consider these thoughts on using herbs safely:

* Respect the power of plants to change the body and spirit in dramatic ways.

* Increase trust in the healing effectiveness of plants by trying remedies for minor or external problems before, or while, working with major and internal problems.

* Develop ongoing relationships with knowledgeable healers - in person or in books - who are interested in herbal medicine.

* Honor the uniqueness of every plant, every person, every situation.

* Remember that each person becomes whole and healed in their own unique way, at their own speed. People, plants, and animals can help in this process. But it is the body/spirit that does the healing. Don't expect plants to be cure alls.

Susun Weed
PO Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081

Visit Susun Weed at: www.susunweed.com and www.ashtreepublishing.com
For permission to reprint this article, contact us at: susunweed@herbshealing.com

Vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures, teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine. Unabashedly pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging and often profoundly provocative.

Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women around the world. Learn more at www.susunweed.com
Source: http://www.iffizpartners.com/index.php?page=article&article_id=768